Thursday, June 24, 2010

And the cute text of the week award goes to Danielsalsa

"Katie Hunke, you are the single most perfect person (for me) in my eyes, even though you are crazy delusional about your weight and personal image, you are beautiful to me inside and out, and even though you make (lame/mean) jokes about you being pregnant, I look forward to the day where I can start a family with you, because now after being completely away from you for more than a day I can see that you are undoubtedly the person I am going to be with for the rest of my days, and I mean this in the most serious manner possible
I love you

I know to the outside perspective, this may seem sudden, we've only been dating for about 5 months, but this relationship has been no work. It all just seems natural. I've never been happier. I've never felt more loved. I've never felt this special.

I am aware that his text was a giant run on sentence. He's perfect, but his grammar is not.

So, I'm living with sister for more days, then I'm staying with the boy for the week that he is back (I think we're going to san antonio or to some secluded cabin to be by ourselves for a few days), then the boy leaves AGAIN on July 5th.

Also, the pregnant jokes are not as bad as it might seem. They're usually timed very well, and he always laughs when he realizes I'm joking.

I'm not preggers.

Pretty sure that is it for now.

Sister and I are at her boyfriends stealing his interweb because neither of us has it...

So, bye.