Monday, February 8, 2010

Katie has a...

Boyfrennnn :]

Finally. After having a crush on the boy for months, he finally realizes what a good match we are, and how awesome I really am (and ohh so modest too).

I'm a little worried about how open I am with him, but he makes me feel so comfortable.

Oh well.

I can't stop smiling for the past week. I grin like a moron when he's around (really doesn't help that he's in ROTC so I look like an idiot in formation with a giant smile on my face).
I can't help it. I'm just happy.

I hope you're all doing well (and by you all, I mean Carly and Becca and Laura, who are pretty much the only ones who check this anymore)

Luff you guys :D


Anonymous said...

i luff you more :)
i'll keep mine just for you :) :) :)

Laura Bradley said...

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!!! I'm soooo excited!!!! Now all of my friends have boy friends...except for me. OH WELL I DON'T CARE. I'm glad the boy came to his senses finally.

Carly said...

It's okay Laura, I don't have a boyfriend either.

And I loovers you katie! I happy for you. :D like that. that's what I look like right now. Except I have teeth, and the smiley does not.